City Harvest Network

CITY HARVEST NETWORK is a church planting and church revitalization movement with a vision to equip leaders to reach their cities more effectively with the Gospel, and is proud to offer scholarship benefits to first-time students at Valor Christian College, when recommended for priority consideration by members of City Harvest Network.

Available Scholarships

City Harvest Network Scholarship
Recipients are awarded a scholarship worth up to 25% of your tuition, on-campus or online!
Terms & Conditions


Only City Harvest Network members are eligible to recommend applicants for consideration in the City Harvest Network Scholarship. If you are a City Harvest Network member, complete the form on this page, beginning with your own information below. Otherwise, you can find out about other scholarships to Valor Christian College generally available here.

Your Information

Salutation *

First Name *

Middle Name
Last Name *


Phone *

Email *

Church Name

Information About Recommended Student

What program is this student interest in? *

Recommend Student for *
Salutation *

First Name *

Middle Name
Last Name *


Country *

Address Line 1 *

Address Line 2

Postal Code *

City *
Enter a postal code.
State *
Enter a postal code.

Phone *

Email *